Wednesday 22 January 2014


These two images are digital paintings made in Photoshop and they represent two of the main characters from my own story.

Above is a compilation of sketches I made when designing characters from my story. Most represent two of the main female characters. 

I also tried my hand at cartography and architecture in order to illustrate my story further. Architecture is an area I would like to enhance my skills in as I would like to illustrate my stories more fully by showing not only the characters, but the world in which they inhabit. 

Here is another sketch compilation, however this one in more miscellaneous in its subject. Some are concepts for paintings,some are drawn just for pleasure and towards the end are some more whimsical designs I did for Christmas.

This image shows some of my watercolour paintings. Here I have illustrated the seasons. This was mostly an exercise in creating looser illustrations as well as practising my draftmanship. These Images were displayed in my gallery exhibition.

This is an oil painting I was commissioned to create. I wanted to use bold colours and also wanted to experiment with different materials such as gilding flakes which I used to make the rectangles in the background.

Also an oil painting, this image is of a Neanderthal and was part of a project where I showed the transformation of human over the ages through the process of evolution. I wanted to show this image here in my portfolio as I feared it would be interpreted that drawing attractive women is the extent of my abilities, which isn't true. 
A change in style now. Here is part of my Illustration project and represents the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. I had the most fun with this image of all  others in my portfolio. The image was first drawn in pencil and I later coloured the image in Photoshop. I tried to achieve a slightly vintage feel with the colours I used and also made the scene dark through using darker values. I had the wolf wrap himself around Little Red in an almost sensual manner, hinting at the darker tones of Little Red Riding hood, whilst still keeping the image child friendly. I had a real challenge simplifying my style to suit this story but I found in the end that I really enjoy the simplicity. 

Above is one of the development boards I made to display the process of creating the character of Little Red. You can see I include a lot of writing to explain my feeling on the different styles. This is my preferred way of presenting my processes.

Here are two concept sketches I did for a personal project in which I wanted to illustrate Morgana Le Fay from Arthurian Legends. I really like the headdress in the first and intend to include this at one point in the final image (below). 

I like this digital painting, I think it is my most successful to date, however I am unhappy with the headdress in this piece and I intend to change it as I mentioned previously. The beads seem to float instead of sitting upon her head. That aside, I feel I have been successful in rendering the hair in this image. Whilst I haven't rendered it with great detail I like the way it flows about the head. The most important part of this image is the eyes. There is a strong directness there and yet the red shadows beneath hint at a fragility. This is how I wanted to represent Morgana: with duality, she is neither good nor evil. This idea came about after watching the film 'The Mists of Avalon'.